So for those of you who don't care for the tech postings, move on, this is going to get ugly.
When last we talked of this, I was trying very hard to get my media center up and running. I did that, even to the point of putting a Huge Ass Hardrive in it (400 GB) so that I can store a ton of crap. Good times.
The thing is so frickin' loud I want to scream. Inside of it are:
- GeForce 6800FX with a very loud fan.
- Athalon 64 3000+ also with a very loud fan.
- A Nexus power supply which I put in to lower fan noise.
- A case fan, that is also very loud.
Get the picture? This sumbitch is loud. So on the advice of various people's, I manage to buy some items that are supposed to help me. Zalman VGA card kit, a CPU fan kit, etc. To put the CPU one on, I have to completely disassamble the computer, remove the motherboard, and THEN put the fan on. So that project is on hold until I'm ready to dedicate an entire afternoon to it. The VGA card, it seems, is not going to work at all because my particular card doesn't have what it needs. So now I have to buy ANOTHER card and then do it. Ugh.
At the end of the day, I could have just bought the silent version of the media center for a few hundred bucks more and been done with it.
Seriously, this was a failure.
I don't understand. What did you buy? I build a MCE box 2 years ago and the thing is silent. My graphics card is passively cooled and I replaced the loud ass intel fan with a Zalman one. I also got a super quite power supply.
Posted by: Omar Shahine | November 24, 2004 at 11:36 AM