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May 24, 2004



re: observations about Kerry

Yes, you're absolutely correct and sadly that applies for nearly all career Pols. A few exceptions come to mind specifically John McCain, Warren Rudman and others but they are few and far between and aren't political enough to achieve the highest office.

re: Taxes

Yep, Kerry will make it worse but the effin elephant in the room is the A.M.T. which neither party is doing ANYTHING about 'cause it brings in so much revenue.

re: Bush

I think he'll go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. Here's a fun read: http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_4636.shtml sounds like the second Nixon administration. He had every opportunity to focus the country in a way we haven't seen since WWII and instead goes off on quixotic crusade in Iraq all the while spending like a drunken democrat. How the hell did we end up with a freakin' silver spoon fed, underachieving, god-stomper in the white house?

Oh wait, I remember - Karl Rove and hanging chads.

'course I didn't vote for Gore either (no, not Nader either) and won't vote for either dem or rep this time... maybe I'll write in McCain.

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